Weight loss and
weight management
Most of us want to lose weight and keep it off. We don’t all have the same metabolic rates, rational, lifestyles so the emotional journey around food and weight differs enormously.
We know now that continuous diets do not work in the long term. Short term diets with low calorific intake, exercise and mindset can be successful until you relapse. If you have excessive weight issues, that are not medically biased or genetic, then it is possible with time, effort, and lifestyle changes to possibly get to your ideal weight. You need to continuously reinforce your goals and implement your beliefs, patterns of behaviour and mindset around your weight to lose it and keep it off. You may have conflicting imaginative forces that prevent you from reaching your goals. Your imagination, poor self-image, conditioned eating behaviours, emotional responses and fears can overpower your will power! You end up at the beginning or even worse putting on more weight. I used to think of my weight gain like a ‘Puffer Fish’ and would actually think myself fat. Your thoughts do create your reality. They programme your neural pathways and create chemical reactions. In my case I created subtle, unwanted behaviours, negative emotional responses, hormonal changes that affected my weight fluctuation. I manged to reprogramme my responses, thoughts, change lifestyle, love myself and weigh roughly the same 52 kilos for many years with self -hypnosis, mindfulness and suggestion therapies. I had previously allowed myself to become very plump, had low self-worth and a very dysmorphic view of myself and my life!
Hypnotherapy enables you to shift your inner identity, change your beliefs, feelings and behaviours around your weight. Changing behaviours can be really difficult on your own. Hypnotherapy helps to reprogramme your subconscious and gives you the tools to avoid or be indifferent to certain foods, better healthy eating habits and the confidence in who you are. During a hypnotherapy weight-loss session we will examine all the emotional and physical/ mind body beliefs. Your self-esteem is an important factor in the mix, and I will ascertain through discussion, hypnosis and analysis as to how you feel about yourself, find the triggers that effect you and then update, re-align and project a slimmer, better you in the future with positive suggestion and new beliefs. You need to start to believe in yourself and start feeling confident in who and what you are regardless of your current weight.
To achieve your goal, we will use visualisation tactics to implement change; you must believe you can. I will give you all the tools to enable you to succeed. Even if it takes weeks, months, or a year; I want you to enjoy your weight-loss journey, rewarding yourself along the way. You will be guided along your bespoke individual path and practice self-love and self-care all the way! You can do it!
“To change your body you must first change your mind.”

Let us heal the subconscious blocks and obstacles to weight loss. Your emotions and behaviour have the power to shape your biology. Contact me now.
niki@nikidevereux-hypnotherapy.co.uk | +44 (GB) 07900 287450