My aim for you, as my perspective client is to restore your sense of ‘self’ and ‘self-esteem’ and enable you to break free of the control and abuse you have suffered with a series of supportive hypnotherapy sessions designed to help ‘you’ recover from the trauma of abuse. (Inclusive of analysis, CBT, NLP and counselling). I am here to enable you to dispel negative patterns of behaviours, feelings and memories and give you the support to create the confidence and coping mechanisms to deal with the toxic past, complex and destructive relationships and move forward into a safe, better world in order to live a happier, fulfilling life with the tools for survival.
Abuse comes in many forms. An Abusive Relationship, known as Domestic Abuse, can be defined as Physical, Sexual, Psychological, Emotional and Financial. These all take the form of cohesive and controlling behaviour by the other party and usually take place in intimate family relationships. Recognising emotional controlling and psychological abuse can be difficult as there are no physical signs, just doubt, intimidation and mental scars. Sexual abuse can also be a non-contact abuse with debilitating harassment issues; eventually manifesting into more extreme abuse like rape and physical violence.
“Survivors of abuse show us the strength of their personal spirit every time they smile”
- Jeanne McElvaney – Healing Insights

Let’s heal your past and give you the
confidence to face a certain future
niki@nikidevereux-hypnotherapy.co.uk | +44 (GB) 07900 287450