Child Abuse
The effects of Childhood Abuse and Trauma create a mistrust of the adult world and robs any child who has been abused emotionally, physically and sexually of the innocence of childhood. Children whom have been abused grow into an adult life full of negative feelings of fear, guilt and feel fundamentally flawed. An abused child becomes a damaged child and displays angry and self- sabotaging behaviours. This continues into adulthood if not addressed. Does any of this resonate?
The link to a trusting and balanced adult world can be established again. I will enable a child patient or an adult, abused in childhood to experience resolution through a series of established techniques whilst using Hypnotherapy to gain access to their harmful memories, feelings and emotions. Together we can create a new platform to grow, full of trust and self-belief and take the emotional charge away from the destructive past. My sessions with children are in an environment where it is safe to discharge and diminish feelings of anger, guilt, fear and other emotions without making the child analyse or articulate the traumatic events. Together we will create a set of new building blocks with lots of creative techniques.

Heal your Past and take the
first step by contacting me.
niki@nikidevereux-hypnotherapy.co.uk | +44 (GB) 07900 287450