Terms and Conditions


Please fill out the contact form on the website to make an initial booking or call/text the booking line. We will confirm an initial appointment at our earliest convenience.

Session Payment

Must be made before the session on confirmation of the booking either by cash or bank transfer, unless we have a prior arrangement in place. Receipts/invoices are available on request.


We require you to give a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to cancel your therapy session therefore not incurring a charge. If your appointment is on a Monday, please cancel on Thursday. If you provide less than 48 hours’ notice you will be charged the full cost of your session to cover the incurred costs. You will be refunded immediately for cancellations made 48 hours prior to your appointment confirmation. Refunds can not be given for courses if you decided not to attend part of the course and cancellation fees still apply.


If you fail to attend a session without giving any stipulated notice for that session you will need to pay for that session before booking any further sessions, we have the right to retain payment previously paid on confirmation of the booking.


We will review sessions regularly to ensure you feel you are getting the most out of your therapy; you are not tied into any commitment and you can end sessions at any time. If I consider your requirement is beyond my competence, I reserve the right to terminate our contract, but this would be discussed in the session and recommendations would be provided.