Take control of your mind and change your world by shifting your mindset and life towards your individual life purpose and future happiness
You are capable of making the right life choices and I will enable you to understand and engage with different therapeutic modalities. I have the training and experience in understanding the crossover between hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, coaching and counselling approaches in order to really help you. Everyone is unique!
Hypnotherapy is a fast and effective therapy which encompasses a two-fold process that begins with turning your own critical eye to look at things you can actually do something about, and then taking immediate positive action. The state of hypnosis is a relaxed, trance state of mind where the conscious mind is bypassed to access the subconscious suggestible mind. This enables me, the therapist to help you change and reframe negative memories and beliefs to propose new suggestions, positive thinking patterns, feelings and subsequent behaviours. Helping you live to your full potential in a blink of an eye.
“Niki is calming, soothing
and welcoming.”
— Insomnia
“She is like my fairy godmother – I love her energy.”
— Anxiety and Stress

Take practical steps now to get where you want to be
niki@nikidevereux-hypnotherapy.co.uk | +44 (GB) 07900 287450