There are different types of anxiety - generalised anxiety, social anxiety, anxiety, phobic anxieties, extreme anxiety – and many more. Constant anxiety can become very overwhelming and have a very negative effect on every aspect of your life unless treated professionally. The symptoms can become physiological and create unwanted health issues and can lead to depression and panic attacks.
Anxiety and subsequent stress are common mental health conditions that most people, throughout their lives suffer from in varying degrees. The uncertainties of the past few years about the invisible threats in our world today and all the effects, have made people feel anxious, continuously nervous, uneasy, apprehensive, concerned for their futures. You have the ability to control the level of stress in the right therapeutic environment and let go of all the negative emotional components, toxins, and stress you are hanging on to! Avoidance does not work it escalates your anxiety and stress and you end up becoming completely overwhelmed. Par for the course in our modern lives.
I have personally experienced the complete spectrum of anxiety and now have the tools and coping mechanisms that I want to share with you. To enable you to be more present and live a stress-free life despite the unexpected curve balls or intrusive thoughts that bombard us daily. Hypnotherapy, suggestion therapy with a neuropathic understanding and other analytical treatments are combined, in order to shift your mental attitude to feel safe, secure and calm and able to deal with any difficult realities head on. You will be able to discharge any feelings of panic, isolation or anxiety and any subsequent symptoms. Your mind will learn to control being in chronic survival mode, neuropathically altering the Flight, Fight and Fear responses held in your body. I will help you feel in control and discard old unwanted negative feelings and emotions to help you live a lighter, happier, healthier, and stress-free life.
“Smile, breathe, and go slowly.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh

Manage your life right now, get in touch.
niki@nikidevereux-hypnotherapy.co.uk | +44 (GB) 07900 287450