Grief is a journey that manifests over several stages, when somebody you love, a person close to you, or your pet that you love dies. There is also a feeling of loss, a deep emptiness when you are abandoned or when you separate from a meaningful relationship. It may feel as if your heart has been ripped out of you especially when it is sudden and totally unexpected. As a therapist I have known real grief and am currently a widow. You are not alone in your pain and suffering and I have genuine empathy and skills to give you the right support. Hopefully as well as additional reinforcement of family, friends and your community.
The five stages of grief are shock, denial and followed by grief. Then in the next stage you may feel angry as to ‘the why did they die?’ and ‘it is not fair.’ The third stage is guilt or regret at what might have happened ‘if I had been there or said this.’ Leading onto the fourth stage of sadness, a real sense of loss and depression about the inevitable reality – they have gone forever. Finally followed by the acceptance of a person that life must go on and possibly having a sense of hope for a different future. People tend to vacillate between all these stages even if they seem sequential. As a unique person you may need more time and space between the stages of grief and how to process it. There is no time scale to grief but hopefully over time the memories fade into a different reality.
As a therapist we can revisit the memories of the event or past in a safe calm environment and we can access how the impact is affecting you. With hypnotherapy and talking therapy I will give you the tools to rebuild your life as the death of a loved one has reframed yours. I will enable you to say goodbye properly, ask unanswered questions and find resolution and release the deep sadness within.
“One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I’d be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you.”
- Diamond Rio

Help and Hope is at hand. Reach out into an environment that can hold and support you and your grief. You will have the time to grieve at your own pace. Contact me when you feel ready to talk, or just cry, or share something with me.
niki@nikidevereux-hypnotherapy.co.uk | +44 (GB) 07900 287450